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Simple Steps to Help Your Business Up and Running

nb: collaborative post

The majority of businesses are facing sincere risk right now. The coronavirus pandemic has swept across the nation and has left chaos in its wake. Those who haven’t suffered from the virus directly have been suffering inadvertently through an inability to run their business effectively. Countless numbers of businesses have gone under. Countless numbers of people have lost their jobs. The vast majority of companies have their staff working from home. So, if you are still getting by, it’s not all too surprising that you may be worried about keeping things up and running and continuing to generate profits during these hard times. But the good news is that we have some steps you can follow to help you to get things back as close to normal operations as usual. Here are some to take into consideration.

Focus on Cybersecurity

If you’re planning on continuing operations with a remote workforce, you’re really going to have to focus on cybersecurity. Your staff and your business are more vulnerable to hacking, phishing and other cyber attack attempts when they are working from home. This is because cybercriminals are well aware that many staff members are working on unsecure networks, are unsupervised and may not be properly trained in recognising threats. So, it’s essential that you work with an IT specialist such as Dragon IS in order to protect yourself and your business. They’ll be able to monitor your systems, offer staff training, give advice regarding WFH and BYOD policies and more.

You can read more about setting your business up for online security here

If you want to learn about how to protect yourself, read my blog post here on personal online security 

Implement Social Distancing Measures

If you’re bringing staff back into the office or reopening social premises such as a store, you need to implement social distancing measures into your space. This will give staff and customers more confidence in coming in and either making sales or making purchases. There are a number of ways to do this and the best will depend on the kind of property you’re running. You should invest in social distancing stickers to mark two metre spaces in areas where people are likely to queue. You can also implement one way systems.

Market Your Reopening

If you’re reopening your store, restaurant or other commercial premises, you’re going to have to go heavy on the marketing. This will let people know you’re open for operation, what you’re doing to keep them safe when they visit and can entice them in with special offers or sales. You’re going to have to work hard for your money right now. But it will be more than worth the effort. A little investment in marketing can really go a long way!

Sure, reopening and keeping things up and running as things slowly get back to normal may feel pretty daunting and even overwhelming. But it is achievable. Hopefully, the steps above will help you to get things back on track. Focus on each and things should go swimmingly!