
Reopening Your Restaurant as Restrictions are Lifted

nb: – Collaborative post

Covid-19 has had a profoundly negative impact on the vast majority of business around the world. Companies of all shapes and sizes, all around the world, specialising in all sorts of areas have been hit hard. However, some of the worst hit companies have been restaurants and other food establishments. These are some of the businesses that were first forced to close their doors to members of the public in a bid to reduce the rapid spread of the virus. To further the troubles faced by restaurant owners, they’re one of the types of business that are least likely to be able to generate an income online once their physical doors have closed. Unlike companies selling retail goods, they may not have been able to continue online sales with delivery. Restaurants rely heavily on in-person presence, so haven’t been generating sufficient income for months now. However, as the spread of the virus slows and governments have started lifting restrictions, you may find that you are now able to reopen your restaurant to the public. It’s important to remember that things won’t go straight back to normal. You still have to be wary and cautious. Here are a few steps you’ll need to take to get your restaurant back on track.

Rearrange Your Premises

First and foremost, you’re going to have to rearrange your premises to adhere to social distancing measures. Move your seating to ensure that there is a two metre gap between different tables. You may also need to place social distancing stickers down on the floor to ensure that people are stood sufficiently far apart when ordering from the bar or queuing for the toilets.

Ensure your equipment is top notch

Don’t skimp on providing the best for your customers. If you’re serving food, its important everything is clean, with regular cleaning checks. When it comes to food, ensure its stored & refrigerated correctly with regular temperature checks written down. If you’re unsure about food storage, use an industrial refrigeration service.

Provide Hand Sanitiser Available

You need to make sure that there are plenty of hand sanitiser dispensers located around your restaurant for both customers and staff members to use. It’s a good idea to have one at the entrance to your restaurant, one near the toilets and one near any doors people have to go through (as people will need to touch the handles to pass from one space to another).

Recruit Sufficient Staff

You may have had to let staff go at some point throughout the pandemic. If these staff have now found new jobs, you could find yourself in need of new staff. Make sure to recruit using reliable companies like Silven Recruitment. Ideally, you should be looking for staff who want the position long term, rather than to fill a gap between their main career.

Ensure Staff Wear Facemasks

You should ensure that your staff all have access to a brand new disposable face mask at the start of each shift. This will help to prevent the potential spread of coronavirus when they are serving customers.

These are just a few different steps you should seriously consider taking in order to get your restaurant back up and running to the best of your ability in current times. They’ll help you to get back on track as quickly and safely as possible!