
My NFC Project – A recap

I’m just writing this post predominantly for me at the minute as a bit of an NFC project recap, as I gather my thoughts before the next steps of the project. I’m getting stuck with interfacing the controller with usable software and you’ll be seeing my call-for-helps for developers & system integration architects on Twitter & Linkedin.

In the meantime I’ve got some notes about NFC and a little brief white paper about some integration work I did to get tap to donate working with ZayPay. Thanks to for information

My NFC Project – a recap

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The Google Sketch up renders below show what I’ve architected so far. Its always dependent on the substrate configuration, in that certain brands of screen have different layers, or thickness in their TFT membranes and that pretty much dictates where the NFC tags sit. This is so inefficient at the minute, doing it this way, but without guidance and partnering with a hardware company I just can’t do it any other way.

A drill hole in the case links the tags to the controller via an I2C interface, and from that, we have some intelligence there. I still need to sort the software out – damn.

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