Peppa Pig World review

Pigs, Kevin McCloud & beer! Up at the crack of dawn, we all bundled blearily eyed and somewhat bushy tailed into…

Mario De'Cristofano

Animated Banners – Flash to HTML5 & Programmatic Ads

Flash to HTML5 and Programmatic Ads I’ve neglected my online work for the last few months whilst I work on…

Mario De'Cristofano

My NFC Project – A recap

I'm just writing this post predominantly for me at the minute as a bit of an NFC project recap, as…

Mario De'Cristofano

NFC The Magic Touch

In 2016 NFC is now integral to payment systems we know & love & are starting to use more &…

Mario De'Cristofano

Heart Internet Outage – when your ISP goes cold & dark

When your site's down. Those who have services with Heart Internet won’t have failed to notice the furore recently with…

Mario De'Cristofano

Review of Blu-Beets Heart Rate Monitor

I run. Not away from my problems mind you, responsibilities or even the difficult choices one needs to make in…

Mario De'Cristofano

NFC Enabled screens

So I've been spending the last few weeks playing around with NFC. The possibilities are clear to see for retail…

Mario De'Cristofano

How do you solve a problem like the Z generation.

So how do you solve a problem like the Z generation? They are here! The Z generation are coming! I…

Mario De'Cristofano

When your ISP goes dark.

When your ISP goes dark. Those who have services with Heart Internet won’t have failed to notice the furore recently…

Mario De'Cristofano

How to protect yourself online.

How to protect yourself online So in 2016 I decided I’d be much more focused on my own personal security…

Mario De'Cristofano