How to build a rainbow.

 How to build a rainbow. Sometimes I just want to talk about something that's happened to me - that's all.…

Mario De'Cristofano

Rivalries are good

We are fortunate enough to work with many great clients. One of the things we do is help build brands.…

Mario De'Cristofano

They are here! The Z generation are coming!

They are here! The Z generation are coming! I have been reading some books & articles recently about a topic…

Mario De'Cristofano

Life of Pi

I've played around with Pi's for about a year now, my life of Pi as it were, (using them as Scratch…

Mario De'Cristofano


No not that type silly! I’m aware as an individual I’m pretty thin-skinned. I enjoy being sensitive & transparent emotionally.…

Mario De'Cristofano

Leadership & Leaders in IT & Tech

I've never made any bones about the fact that I've actively sought out Leadership & Leaders in IT & Tech, working…

Mario De'Cristofano

Agile Project Management

Agile Ah, that term I often here bandied around agencies all the time. ‘Agile’. Say it again…..’Agile’… You may have…

Mario De'Cristofano

The shadows you cast

As I've become more and more experienced in my career, having a capability to see how I come across to…

Mario De'Cristofano

Getting on the train at work

Getting on the train at work My stepfather in particular sacrificed everything to ensure that I had everything I could ever…

Mario De'Cristofano

NFC – Initial Research & Development

NFC - Research & Development Those who know me know I’m into home-brew electronics and anything involving modular electronics from…

Mario De'Cristofano