Great East Run 2018

Great East Run 2018 some thoughts on my training.

Mario De'Cristofano

Performing Regression Testing effectively.

I often work with software teams and historically have led testing teams myself, so as I’m recently operating in the…

Mario De'Cristofano

How to kickstart Digital Transformation in your own business.

I write about Digital Transformation a hell of a lot. I’m passionate about it to the point of it being…

Mario De'Cristofano


My comments and experiences with leadership over the last twenty years.

Mario De'Cristofano

I’ve been hacked!

I've been hacked!! Three of my Wordpress sites were recently infected with Malware. The attack vector was via a vulnerable…

Mario De'Cristofano

Types of web hosting & considerations for your new website.

Types of web hosting & considerations for your new website. I wanted to very quickly put together a post to…

Mario De'Cristofano

Thinking about a website? This article is for you!

Thinking about a website? This article is for you! I wanted to write a post about when you get to…

Mario De'Cristofano

A recap on my health and personal fitness goals 2018 (14 months in)

A recap on my personal health & fitness goals for 2018

Mario De'Cristofano

It’s all Greenfield – managing projects right from inception!

I’ve recently had opportunity to apply an entirely unesscary but wanted amount of rigour to a component of my Webshop…

Mario De'Cristofano

Why MLM is a disaster.

Read why MLM is a disaster and why you should stay away!

Mario De'Cristofano