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Effective Leadership on Complex Digital & Technology Projects

The year is about to start with a complex multi-party Digital project including software delivery, systems integration, new architecture scaling…

Mario De'Cristofano

Will tech be the saviour of the high street?

Post originally from Linkedin Will Tech be the saviour of the high street? I was listening to a radio show…

Mario De'Cristofano

2019 Recap

2019 Recap across technology & general musings

Mario De'Cristofano

Are all public sector projects doomed?

Read about how public sector projects don't always have to be doomed to fail

Mario De'Cristofano

Importance of Storytelling in your Digital Project

Read about how storytelling is a very important part of project management.

Mario De'Cristofano

Cloud Migration Considerations

Moving to the ‘Cloud’ (it’s actually ‘a’ Cloud’ but we’ll come to that later!) is something every organisation is wanting…

Mario De'Cristofano

Doing the ‘Do’

I was having an interesting chat yesterday, and as a consultant who gets to visit lots of companies and implement…

Mario De'Cristofano

Thin IT Operating Models

I want to put some thoughts down about future-state operating models. Something I am having a lot of conversations about…

Mario De'Cristofano

Protecting your own passwords from hacking attempts

Protecting your own password from hacking attempts Password stealing is among the oldest moves in the hackers’ book. Research shows…

Mario De'Cristofano

Cloud Strategy and the things you need to consider

Cloud …. That thing everyone’s been banging on about for the last decade. The thing that would change your life,…

Mario De'Cristofano