
What every Father needs . . .

So for years I’ve had a relationship with my Cisco CCNA a bit like a girlfriend I never really wanted to admit I liked, (because she was a bit chubby and my mates would typically have an opionion), basically behind closed doors, I’d get all up close and personal, but in the public, I was a cool kid, and I never *quite* finished it off.

Well 2013 is going to be a year of finishing things.

Well as you’ll know if you read my other blog here on impending Fatherhood,  I figure I’m going to need some man-time to play with knobs and fiddle with Oscilloscopes, so in the spare office, (one of the few spaces in the house I have left) I’ve started a Cisco Lab, which I have been meaning to get round to for some time!

As I immerse myself more in Voice, I really wanted to get back into CME and Cisco Voice, to ultimatley take my CCNP and CCIE but in the meantime, its just to get back up to speed with Layer 3 stuff, as long gone are the days I had minions. Ahh, minions….

So, with a bit of borrowing from work and some shrewd eBay purchasing, I’ve started to amass some kit including;

Cisco 800 IS (Integrated Services) Router,

Cisco Catalyst 2900 switch (one of the best in my opionion)

Cisco 877 Router

Pics before being racked


Pics after being ‘placed’. I’m going to need some shelves….


On the way, I’ve got coming;

a few Cisco 7940G handsets

a Cisco 2620XM

a bunch of modules needed too.

To be honest, I’m not sure how happy my missus (@babycake4u) is going to be turning our otherwise serene office and (part time make up room) into a telephony suite, but I’m making a stand, maybe the last one I’ll ever make…ahem…