
I appreciate no one will give a rat’s arse, but here’s a typical day of mine….

I appreciate no one will give a rat’s arse, but here’s a typical day of mine….


Get up, have breakfast (usually Porridge), make a coffee & shower, change
and get my shit together for work. Trip over Mia at least twice whilst she persists on showing me
her paintings from yesterday and wanting to play ‘run around’ in the hall whilst also showing me the tower she made out of megablocks. Knock said megablocks over and leave Mia crying in the hallway.

Amble onto the driveway and put my gear into the car and on the road by about 8-15am.

8.15am – 9am Depending on the traffic I’ll be at my desk before 9, usually listen to BBC Radio Nottingham in the car and some melancholic Spotify playlist on the way home. Someone will ring me, I mostly wont answer and just swear under my breath

9am – 10am – Look through my schedule for the day and ensure I’m prepped for all my meetings. Notes, action points & any demo’s I’m doing. I’ll also check JIRA for ticket updates on various software projects, check email (and respond) and quickly look through Linkedin and the World news.

10am – 12pm – meetings, conference calls & desk chats. If I can get any work done during this time, that’s a bonus too!

12pm-1pm – I try & have an hour for lunch. I’ll go to the work kitchen, heat up something health & then go for a walk by the canal.

1pm – 2pm – Head done usually with headphones on. My most productive time. Its here I’m getting shit done.

2pm – 3pm – Still getting shit done. I usually wander from my desk a few times to speak to people, have a break or make a coffee.

3pm – 5pm – I’m starting to finish up for the day, I wrap emails up, check through my personal emails and social media , schedule a few industry tweets for the following day using Hootsuite, try & post something witty on Facebook and I’m in the car by 5.30pm

My day here usually goes two ways. On a Friday its’

5pm- 8pm go to the pub and drink beer. REPEAT UNTIL TIME=LATE

or if I don’t get myself into the pub….

6pm – roll the car onto our ridicously proportioned driveway, try & not ding a wing mirror or hit Becca’s car. I catch up with Becca & Mia, throw Mia around a bit, play with her in the hallway & generally listen to her chatter. She always screams daddy & comes running down the hall when she hears my key in the door – one of the best parts of my day!

6.40pm – 7.40pm – I go out & run 5-10k and reflect on my day. I’ll listen to music, a podcast or plan my next days  strategy, people I need to talk to, what I’ll say, what they could say and how I’ll handle that. I make mental notes on everything. If you ever wonder how some people are always ten steaps ahead, its because they do things like this.

7.40pm – 8.40pm – Becca & I eat, sometimes at the table, sometimes on the couch in front of the TV and generally catch up over the day.

8.40pm 9.30pm – if I’m busy, I’ll pop up to the office and finish up a bit of personal work, emails or make a few calls. I’ll catch up with personal clients & respond to tweets & emails.

10-11pm – shower, and get in bed. spend a few minutes thinking and then usually drop off